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Kangoo Jumps Programs

Rebound exercise has been named by NASA
as the best workout for the linfatic system.
Kangoo Jumps absorbs 80% impact to your knees
and burns 1200 calories per hour!
Dance with Rebound Shoes!

Kangoo Jumps Dance

Kangoo Jumps Dance™ is a safe, energetic, fun and motivating aerobic program taught to music, for all ages and fitness levels. The program is functional and teaches participants effective jump techniques for enhanced enjoyment while preventing injury due to bio-mechanical stress. It offers more benefits than any other popular group fitness program because Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes act as a shock absorber to reduce impact, when compared with traditional aerobic activities performed in conventional shoes

Explosive and Highly-motivating!

Kangoo Jumps Power

Kangoo Jumps Power™ is a highly motivating interval training program comprised of a series of simple exercise progressions taught in a 32-64 count format to music. These movements are repeated at various levels of intensity and then combined together. A new movement combination is then developed and added to the first. The end result is a chain of movements comprised of multiple combinations or blocks that are linked together to form a non-stop multi-level workout.

Start them young!

Kangoo Jumps Discovery

Kangoo Jumps Discover™ is a program developed specially for young people all ages from 6 years old and above. Classes are designed to build coordination, endurance, good posture and develop good self-image.

Take the fun everywhere!

Kangoo Jumps Bootcamp

Kangoo Jumps Bootcamp™ is a military style program that can be done both indoor and outdoor. Movements and exercises are a combination of cardio, strengthenin, conditioning and circuit training. Be ready to jump, sweat and smile while enjoying the outdoors!

Start them young!

Rebound Shoes

Kangoo Jumps Rebound Shoes™ Are safe to use and is an effective equipment to reach you fitness goals. It absorbs 80% of the impact to the knees and allows users to feel relief from neck and back pains, headaches, and other pain caused by lack of exercise. Rebound shoes can be used not only inside the class but can also be used for running and other activities!