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明周娛樂 MP Weekly 《#Fit到漏》

【#Fit到漏】#舞林決戰 之 跳跳小袋鼠 今次佢哋三個就去咗玩人稱最新最潮嘅運動-Kangoo Jump,呢對鞋可以減緩運動衝擊,幫助快速燃脂。佢哋今次就嚟再續前戰,睇吓邊個係 #舞林高手!...

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Kangoo Jumps at IRIS Hong Kong!

嚟IRIS: Your Escape,除咗有瘋靡全球嘅瑜伽、健身、冥想等等課堂之外,你仲可以嘗試到啲有趣新奇嘅活動!就好似Kangoo Jumps咁,着上特製嘅鞋,同導師朋友一齊彈下彈下咁健身啦!...

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Kangoo Jumps featured at Liv Magazine!

Fitness fanatics are hopping off the treadmill and flocking to fitness classes in record numbers. As a result, Hong Kong has seen dozens of fabulous boutique studios offering new ways to work out pop up all over the city....

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