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Exercising with
Kangoo Rebound Shoes!

What benefits can you get from our Kangoo Rebound Shoes?

Various uses and benefits of Kangoo Jumps

Joint protection- Plyometric exercise can be performed using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes with a lower risk of injury, providing significant protection to the joints, when compared to traditional sport shoes. Consequently, Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes could be considered the world’s lowest impact shoe.

Dramatic endurance improvement- Training with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes provided a more effective means of improving VO2 when compared to training with traditional running shoes.

Shorter workout sessions- Training with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes requires significant greater quantities of oxygen than traditional exercise. High intensity exercise burns more calories than steady state exercise and provides greater gains in VO2 ( volume of oxygen used). Burning more calories per unit of time can equate to burning twice the calories in half the time. Therefore the duration of the workout sessions can be reduced.

Weight loss- improvements in muscle tone and enhanced base metabolic rate. Once metabolised is re-set, the individual will burn more calories at a higher rate and will not regain weight, if training is continuous, especially using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes.

Face lift or anti-aging process- The skin is a community of cells. Rebounding regularly with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes can help firm the skin and increase its elasticity.

Balance and spinal alignment- Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes improve balance for individuals of all ages and activity levels. In addition, the curved nature of the soles helps to re-align the spine for improved posture.

Correction of supination and pronation- Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes may help to correct pronation and supination during training, helping to eliminate problems of the lower due to ankle mal-alignment.

Cardiovascular Health- Running with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes will enhance heart health without elevating blood pressure.

Increase bone density- Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes may reverse bone loss in individuals suffering from osteoporosis.

Jump for Joy- Using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes is an excellent remedy for depression and anxiety. It awakens the inner child, inducing a state of euphoria. This can be explained by the fast release of endorphins by the body, sometimes referred to as the hormones of happiness.

Injury Prevention- Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes may reduce the rate of injury for recreational joggers and can provide a safer environment for the rehabilitation of patients with lower extremity injuries.

Children’s eduction and games- The benefits of using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes for children are numerous: they improve coordination, balance agility reaction time, spacial awareness, learning faculty, rhythm, self-esteem and body image.

Rehabilitation- The use of Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes limits the risk of aggravating or damaging joints that have been weakened by overuse or reconstructive surgery. Reducing impact allows these areas to strengthen while the patient’s fitness level improves.

Speed Up Injury Recovery Time-Practitioners and athletic trainers have found that patient’s/ athletes using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes reduce recovery time and enhance athletic response to facilitate healing.